Contents Changes New Features. Ignoring players is now saved between sessions of the game. All ignores are now written out to disk (file: 'ignorelist'). This feature can be toggled by issuing the command '/ignorepersist'. Users can now filter messages based on content by issuing the command '/filtermsg '. To unfilter content issue the command '/unfiltermsg '.
Re: Diablo 1 skill system vs. Diablo 2 skill system Here is my idea: Get rid of trees becasue it leads to skill point hoarding, obsolete lev 1 skills, and cookie cutter designs (and less importantly, a few wasted skill points for prerequesites).
WarriorThe Warrior is the first character every newbie shouldconsider starting offwith. The Warrior is the best survivor early on in the game and isdecent throughout the game. The warrior doesn't have to worry aboutspells very much. The only spells they really use the most is townportal spell and fire wall. When you find books just sell them to Adriathe witch unless it is town portal and you are able or almost able to read it, fire wall, and holy bolt which is really goodagainst King Leoric. When you level up early on put most of yourpoints to strength and vitality. Their skill for repairing itemshelps a lot early on in the game, later don't use repair skill torepair your really good equipment, just go to Griswold to repair it.I find that early on in the game get a Large Axe as soon as you get600 bucks.
A large axe can really do some serious damage early on inthe game and make things much easier for a while. Try to get a capwith pretty good armor also. You might get lucky and Griswold mightsell you a leather armor 13 for 300 bucks which is really nice.Armor 11 or 12 is also okay. Sell all the scrolls you get besides,town portal and identify. You also might need to buy some few townportal scrolls earlier on in the game.
In the later game get rid ofyour axe and start getting a sword and shield. The bastard sword isthe best 1-handed sword.
When you get swords, try to get +damage toit. Later on try to find a Full Plate Mail, if anything try to get+armor to it. Warriors are able to wear Full Plate Mails theearliest out of the 3 character classes. Really later in the game,like level 35 you should have gotten the King's Sword by then andhave gotten a pretty good armor. The best sword in the game in myopinion for the warrior is the King's Sword of Haste, which can killthings very quickly and you are able to level up faster. Overall theWarrior is the Worst of the 3 classes when it comes to leveling upthe fastest. And once they reach level 35 or so, you basically wantto quit on them because they get boring and they work pretty slow.But I think Warriors are fun to use early on.
The highest I got aWarrior was level 39.RogueRogue's are for the intermediate player. They are not that hard touse, but probably a little more harder then the warrior. As a Rogueyou start off with a bow. Rogues should stick with bows throughouttheir whole life. With a combination of their bow and the spellsthey do, they can easily level up quicker than the warrior. As withthe warrior try to get a cap with good armor and leather armor lateron.
One thing I don't like about the rogue is the fact that you gotto keep going back to town to repair the bow that you use all thetime. Later on you get bows that have higher durability which makesit last longer. Never use bows that have higher attack rate, such asswiftness, etc. Rogues can't fire a bow any faster than theynormally do.
Try to get damage or ATT's for a bow. Rogues have torely on mana and life hit points. If your mana becomes much higherthen your life points use MANA shield. Early on use fire bolt,lightning and fire wall and try to get holy bolt for king leoric.Later on use fire ball, chain lightning a little bit all the whileusing your bow. Later on when you get to hell is when the gamestarts to get tough for a rogue.
You have to be quick and thinksmart of what spell to use for the enemies you're fighting. Alwaysuse hot keys for your spells, you can configure them from f5-f8.
Tryto get resist magic lighting and fire when you get to hell. Thathelps all 3 classes very well. When you get to Level 35 you shouldhave gotten a Long War Bow with +damage to it and a Full Plate Mailwith +armor to it. Rogues can level up faster than the warrior andis less boring than the warrior later on. Usually when Roguesreaches early 40's they usually just quit on them. The highest I gota rogue was level 41. I never really got into a rogue that much as Idid with a Sorcerer.SorcererSorcerer's are for the experienced players who have already playedwith the warrior or rogue a little bit.
They are difficult tocontrol most of the time because their main attacking weapon isspells. Sorcerers die easily at the beginning of the game, but gettougher as the game progresses. Staves are very important early onin the game. In my opinion the staff recharge skill is the bestskill in the game, it allows you to keep having charges with thestaff you are using and makes the staff last a lot longer.
Chargebolt is the staff you start off with. Other good staves you can findearly on is the staff of fire bolt, and holy bolt which can REALLYhelp you out a lot, and lightning staff, lightning has to be thebest staff early on. Never buy staves from Adria. Adria sellsexpensive magical staves which are not that important at all, basicstaves with charges you find in the labyrynth are just as good.
Whenyou start try to get a cap with good armor and leather armor lateron. Books are very important for a sorcerer, read every book youget. Early on you should use charge bolt, fire bolt, and holy bolt.Later on you should be using lightning. Then even more later youshould be using fire ball, and chain lightning as your main spells.When you level up put all your points to magic and some to strength.Don't put any to vitality!, you should get mana shield later andwon't even need life hit points. You could put a few to dexterity,but it's not that necessary.
When you have about 30 base strengthstart putting all your points to distribute to magic.When I first started to use the sorcerer I thought they sucked andwere nothing compared to the warrior. But I realized later that thesorcerer was awesome and the warrior sucked. The biggest and mostimportant thing for a sorcerer to survive is Mana Shield spell.
Diablo 1 Vs 2 Vs 3
Whenthe sorcerer gets the mana shield spell for the first time they turnfrom a wus to a really strong character. Mana shield allows them tohave their mana points also count as their life points.
That meanssell all of your life potions and stop buying them, start buying allmana potions. From about level 1 - 30 or so only buy regular manapotions, don't buy full mana potions it wastes money. If you findfull mana potions in the game that's excellent. Try to get manashield spell as SOON as possible. If the witch is selling the manashield book really early on and you have the money to buy it, buyit.
Although you should find it somewhere in the catacombs. Findingmana shield scrolls is great, also buy Mana Shield scrolls from thewitch if you don't have the spell yet. Use mana shield scrollsWISELY. Don't proceed to the caves without mana shield unless youwant to have a really hard time down there. Mana shield, chainlightning, and fireball are the 3 most powerful spells for asorcerer.Once you get Mana Shield spell, every time time you enter a levelturn it on immediately.
As with a sorcerer you NEED to use hot keysfor changing your spells. F5 - f8 are your hot keys. You should usehot keys for a characters whole life, that means level one and up.When you go in the church for the first time you should have hotkeys for: staff of charge bolt, spell of fire bolt and rechargestaff skill and any healing scrolls you get. Healing scrolls arebetter than potions because they heal more of your life than potionsdo, use potions if you need to get your life refilled fast right inthe middle of a battle.
Once you get healing spell change yourhealing scroll hot key to healing spell. If you find a staff of firebolt change your hot key for fire bolt spell to staff of fire bolt.Use all your staves until they have no more charges, remember touse recharge staff skill once they get low in charges.
Once you getlightning staff or spell make a hot key for it instead of chargebolt. Lighting is MUCH better than charge bolt. Every level up tolightning makes the lightning longer and more powerful, same thingapplies to chain lightning, except the higher chain lightning levelgets, the smarter it gets, for example the further the enemy is, thebetter chances a lightning streak will go to it. Later on the nextstep from fire bolt is fire ball. Every book of fire ball is veryimportant for a sorcerer, every time you level up fire ball itsdamage goes up tremendously. I had sorcerers that had fire balldamages of over 1000. When you get fire ball, exchange your hot keyfrom fire bolt to fire ball.
When you get chain lighting you stillmay want to stick to your regular lightning spell for a while, asyour lightning spell should be a higher level when you get chainlightning. Use chain lightning when its level reaches lvl 3 or so.With good control and quick thinking, a sorcerer can level up fasterand survive better than a warrior and a rouge in the church and andcats, etc. A good player can beat the church without even gettinghit much at all.
The spells can kill everything fast, and won't evenlet an enemy come near you before you kill it. I find that early inthe game a buckler is awesome for a sorcerer.
A sorcerer can swing abuckler as fast as a warrior can swing his sword, and have a betterchance to hit too. Use a buckler to attack (with no sword) if youdon't have a staff with charges early on, TRUST me it works. Lateron stop using staves and start using a sword and shield. And try toget lots of items that give you plus strength points. Sorcerers havethe hardest time trying to wear a gothic plate or full plate mail,as their max strength is only 45, you have to find an additionalplus 45 strength points from rings and equipment you wear, so youcan wear a Full Plate Mail. The best weapon for a sorcerer is the Dreamflange. I actually found the Dreamflange while playing with asorcerer.
Sorcerers become powerhouses really later in the game.Later in the game you should start using teleport instead ofwalking. That's right, teleport should be your only means oftransportation later on in the game, and should be one of yourhotkeys too. Sorcerers have the easiest time getting there stuffback after dying, unlike warriors and rogues, they have to useweapons (swords&bows) to kill the enemies to get back to theirstuff, all sorcerers have to do is use their spells. Sorcerersalways have action going on and they never get boring. That meansplayers can actually get there level to 50 and even want to keepplaying them. Sorcerers work the fastest and level up REALLY fast.The only 4 things sorcerers need to improve and worry about afterthey get Mana Shield spell is1.
Getting spells and using them 2.bringing up their Mana 3.Getting there Armor Class high, and 4.Resisting fire, lightning, and magic. Sorcerers are my favorite ofthe 3 classes to choose from. The highest I ever got a sorcerer waslevel 48. But then I got pissed off when my Diablo folder gotdeleted and all my characters went by-by. I was actually going toget him to level 50. I got other sorcerers pretty far. I got one tolevel 46,42,38,and another one to 35, and have gotten over 20sorcerers past level 20, so that shows you that I have lots ofexperience with sorcerers.
Other tips that will make you become a better Diablo player- There is a trick when using scrolls. Select the scroll inyour quick spellbook, then when using it, rapidly spam the button quickly andyou will end up using more than one use of the scroll. For example fromone Fire Wall scroll, you can throw up 2-3 Fire Walls, which helps a lot incertain circumstances.